Wednesday, April 2, 2008

THEFT!!!.....or maybe not????????

Downloading is the simplest and easiest way for a person to get ahold of things like music, movies and even videos. It's so easy that it leaves no room for serious thought about the consequences. Thus, we just enjoy the benefits of downloading and hardly ever stop to think of the implications and effects it has on the artists and the music industry as a whole. what isn't so simple about downloading music is the copyright protection laws that people break everyday when downloading tracks off the Internet. however, not all music is protected. Some music can be lawfully downloaded but the laws regarding music downloading varies from country to country. in the United States, downloading is governed by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which strictly deems downloading of copyrighted music illegal. however, there is an exception to making a copy for your own person use. In south Africa. Downloading has a huge impact on the music industry. This is due to the fact that people are no longer purchasing Cd's because they can get the music for free off the Internet. it is alleged that the music industry has lost more than 20% globally in sales since 1999. this loss unfortunately affects the industry as a whole including the musicians, sound technicians, recording studios and even the music stores, who make their living through this music that we are literally stealing. thus i am left confused because, it is clear that music downloading is unlawful and ethically wrong, when you consider that we are just taking other people's work free off charge. the question that lingers in my mind and is the result of my confusion is, why is there still an influx of software that allows the ripping and burning of music if these activities are so wrong and destructive?

zamani mcina


Nirvana Doodla said...

i know so many people that download stuff everyday.. i mean its free music, movies, videos, anything you want is at your finger tips.. Its sad to know that our downloading is costing the artists and the industry tonz of money every year, but if this is so then y make all these forms of media freely available over the internet?

Samukelisiwe Mahlaba said...

So many people download from the internet without even thinking of the implications this might have. I will certainly do it instead of buying a new cd because it is free, there are no cost involved. I know this is causing a problem as the artist may lose money and the whole music industry can suffer. But once again, people like free staff.