In the New Media world, we hear of hardware and software, but what are these things. We probably have better knowledge of hardware because it is the first thing that comes to mind when we try and purchase New Media merchandise. Hardware essentially looks at the tangible material that one purchases, it is the physical stuff that we buy. Hardware can be said to be things like PCs, laptops, MP3s and even IPods. Indeed, when we go into a store, we don't start asking where the hardware is, we are more familiarised with the term 'equipment', or for that matter, 'merchandise'.
I am not trying to raise a point that not talking 'New Media' language is not 'in' or simply out of fashion, but I personally feel that people should engage themselves into such things. Having better knowledge of these terms can expand one's knowledge base, and not only this, it can also expand one's horizons in terms of being alert in this new world of 'technology'.
Now we have passed the idea of hardware, but what is software?
Software is often divided into two categories:
systems software : Includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the computer to function.
applications software : Includes programs that do real work for users. For example, word processors, spreadsheets, and database management systems fall under the category of applications software.
systems software : Includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the computer to function.
applications software : Includes programs that do real work for users. For example, word processors, spreadsheets, and database management systems fall under the category of applications software.
(http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/S/software.html: 25/04/08-09:40(
It looks at the intangible part of the hardware system; for some reason, people have found the idea of software very intimidating and abstract; it's only a matter of following instructions. When one really thinks about it, software programmes try in everyway convey instruction to us in a very subversive manner. Just think of the icons one finds on their PCs, they have trash-cans to convey recycling bins, even closer to home, we find that we have dollar signs which signify printing credits etctera. Essentially, what I am trying to elaborate on is that software is quite understandable if one took the time to notice.
Software tends to be the one component of technology that people are really ignorant about. People have a tendency of thinking that software has to do with Bill Gates' Microsoft programme. Yes, Bill Gate did develop the Microsoft programme, and it seems to be worldly renowned and a fast money making scheme, but this is not where software begins and ends. Bill Gates might have begun the software, but this is not where it ends, other softwares have been developed afterwards. We find different softwares nowadays; we now have softwares for our MP3s, IPODs, even phones now have anti-virus software.
Conclusively, the message I am trying to get across is that software is an essential part of hardware, and that hardware would not exist without it. So next time you try to purchase something, do not forget that in order for that 'merchandise' to function, software had to be part of the deal!!
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