OH for the love of downloading!!! I am currently going through the most painful thing a lazy varsity student can ever go through. I could be in my warm bed right now drink hot chocolate and cookies but no, I'm in the lan doing my work and I'll probably be here for at least 6 hours. why? It pains me to even say this....My PC crashed!!! At first I thought it was just doing funny things beacsue technology tends to do things that you cannot understand sometimes. then yesterday the worst came true, it just shutdown and that was that. There was absolutely nothing I could do. So I took it to Matrix to get it repaired. they told me that my PC had 550 viruses, and that it would take 2+ days to scan the PC, debud it nad then install an anti-virus, and all this would laeve me R275 out of pocket.
This story of my life is a classic example of what happens to most of us...and why does this happen you ask? well the answer is simple Downloading!!! How I hate downloading right now. we all do it. we go onto music websites, download music, store it on our memory sticks, and save it on our PC and laptops. Simple right? not!! Because this simple exercise can be very costly. There are so many viruses just looming around in these lan computers or any other computers and we don't even stop to think twice about what exactly we are downloading or uplaoding onto our computers. We jsut like the fact taht its free. Well the saying "nothing in life is free/ nothing for mahala" alwys rings true. thiongs are never as simple as they seem. Now i am paying teh price because all that music rthat i uplaoded onto my PC will be deleted after the virus scan. so basically I lose. The music will be gone and so will my R275.
We claim to love our cellphones, laptops and PCs but we don't really take care of them. We don't even know what exactly a virus is and how to protect our valued machines against these viruses that make then crash. A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. A virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host is taken to the uninfected computer, for instance by a user sending it over a network or the Internet, or by carrying it on a removable device such as a floppy disk, CD, or USB drive. A way to make sure that our computers are virus free is to install anti-virus software that can detect and eliminate viruses. One may also prevent the damage done by viruses by making regular backups of data, which unfortunately i didn't do. it is also important to update your anti-virus software once a week is the minimum. it's hardwork to maintain a computer. this is a classic example of loving to do something but hating the consequences. right now downloading is looking more like a foe than a friend!
i agree that downloading is very simple and most people do download things as it is much cheaper and is very effortless.However viruses are a huge problem and are huge pain.I have just recently got rid of a virus that was on my PC and it was the most annoying thing ever. My computer was for ever going slow and it took ages for mr to complete my work as the virus slowed my computer down very badly. Downloading does come with consequences despite the fact that it is easy and cheap.
i agree that downloading is very simple and most people do download things as it is much cheaper and is very effortless.However viruses are a huge problem and are huge pain.I have just recently got rid of a virus that was on my PC and it was the most annoying thing ever. My computer was for ever going slow and it took ages for me to complete my work as the virus slowed my computer down very badly. Downloading does come with consequences despite the fact that it is easy and cheap.
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